Work Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:30am - 5pm
07 3516 6900



Supports children, families and adults with everyday life challenges such as relationships, emotions, behaviour, social communication and learning.

We do this through evidence-based practice, which is what scientific research and our governing bodies have found that is helpful for the situation.

We can diagnose and offer assessment and therapeutic treatment or adjustment advice for disorders that fall under but not limited to:

  • Anxiety (Separation anxiety, General Anxiety, etc.)

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Depression (and related mood disorders)

  • Attachment (Relationships with those who raised us and the effects it has on our functioning)

  • Neurodevelopment (ADHD, Autism)

  • Stress and trauma (Adjustment disorder, PTSD, FND/Conversion Disorder, etc.)

  • Cognition and executive functioning (Referred to by many as IQ and EF)

  • Learning (Dyslexia-Reading; Dysgraphia-Spelling and written expression; Dyscalculia-Maths)

How we can help

Child Therapy

The focus for children attending sessions is through therapeutic play, expressive therapies, sensorimotor psychotherapy, all throughout an emotion-focused lens. Parents are required to attend the session with their child for our really young ones, parent only sessions, or a portion of the child's session. Parents are a child's greatest teacher and through learning what they do, and taking the strategies home, a child will gain the most out of therapy.

Adolescent Therapy

Adolescents that attend therapy will be offered to do so on their own, however parent input is required throughout their journey. Therapy for teens will consist of expressive therapies, mindfulness and relaxation, goal setting and therapeutic psychoeducation and strategies.

Group Programs

At various times, there may be group programs offered, either for parents or children. The children's group offered will be Westmead Feelings Program, for children diagnosed with ASD to aid social and emotional skills. Parent groups on challenging behaviours including emotional regulation will be offered from time to time.

Neurodevelopmental Assessments

A range of assessments are offered to assist with diagnosis and recommendations for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) through the use of the Conners Comprehensive Behaviour Rating Scale (CBRS), Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition (BRIEF2) and clinical interview; and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) through the use of the Dimensional, Developmental and Diagnostic Interview for Autism (3di) and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule Second Edition (ADOS-2).

Cognitive & Learning Assessments

Assessments to better understand cognitive functioning and learning difficulties will be offered, such as the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V), the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI-IV), and Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT-III).
What to know more?

Contact us to make an appointment

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